Color profile test

CSS HTML GIF sRGB PNG Adobe'98 PNG anon PNG Custom ICC PNG Gamma 1.0 PNG sRGB JPEG anon JPEG Rec. 709 JPEG Canvas fill SVG fill
the image must be displayed for the test the image must be displayed for the test the image must be displayed for the test the image must be displayed for the test the image must be displayed for the test the image must be displayed for the test the image must be displayed for the test the image must be displayed for the test the image must be displayed for the test Canvas must be supported for the test SVG test image

The test above should have smooth lines like this:


Without any blocks standing out like this:



BrowserOSMonitorUntagged consistentsRGB consistentICC works
Safari 9OS X 10.11sRGBYesYesYes³
Safari 9OS X 10.11Wide GamutYesYesYes³
SafariiOS 9.3sRGBYesYesYes
SafariiOS 9.2-sRGBYes¹YesNo
Firefox 43OS X 10.11sRGBYes¹²YesNo²³
Firefox 53OS X 10.12sRGBYesYesYes
Firefox 53OS X 10.12Wide GamutYesNoBuggy
Firefox 43Windows 10sRGBYesYesYes³
Firefox 44Android 6sRGBYes¹²YesNo²³
Chrome 49OS X 10.11sRGBYesYesYes
Chrome 57OS X 10.12Wide GamutYesNoBuggy
Chrome 49Android 6sRGBYesYesNo
Chrome 57Android 7sRGBYesYesYes
Edge 20Windows 10sRGBYesYesYes

¹ PNG gamma correction does not work and PNGs must be in gamma 2.2.

² Mostly works if you enable color management in about:config.

³ Does not support the test image with an unusual custom profile.

The columns are:

Untagged consistent
Colors in untagged GIF/PNG/JPEG are expected to match CSS colors (even if all are in the monitor's profile).
sRGB consistent
CSS colors are expected to match colors in sRGB-tagged images. On wide gamut monitors CSS colors are supposed to be the sRGB color space, so they still match sRGB images.
ICC works
ICC is considered working when colors in sRGB-tagged images match the same colors in non-sRGB images.