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Installation of Ziproxy for iPhone requires having VPN installed on the same machine.

Ziproxy will compress all traffic, including lossy recompression of images. Heavy recompression makes pages look a bit like on OperaMini, but they load 3-4 times faster!

Compile & install

  1. Download Ziproxy in tar.bz2 format.
  2. You'll have to compile it, so make sure you have XCode tools installed (it's on your OS X Install DVD). Fink might be handy as well.
  3. Decompress downloaded tar.bz2 file, open Terminal, and cd to Ziproxy files' directory:
    cd /Users/yourusername/Desktop/ziproxy—2.4.0
    Hint: instead of typing path you can drag'n'drop directory to terminal.
  4. Compile it:
    export LDFLAGS=-lresolv
    ./configure —with-jpeg=/sw —with-png=/sw && make -j 3 && sudo make install
    If it throws errors, you'll have to compile and install additional libraries (like libungif).
    If you're lucky, it will compile in a minute and ask for your admin password to install.
  5. Complete install.
    sudo cp ziproxy.conf /etc/
    sudo mkdir /var/log/ziproxy/
    sudo chown nobody /var/log/ziproxy/
    sudo chmod u+rwX /var/log/ziproxy/
  6. Edit configuration file
    open -e /etc/ziproxy.conf
    Uncomment AccessLogFileName, AllowMethodCONNECT, ProcessCSS = true.
    You can bump ImageQuality if you find images too ugly.
  7. Run it.
    ziproxy -d

Configure iPhone

Go to Settings → General → Network → VPN → Settings and scroll down to Proxy, set Manual

To test it you can set it as proxy for your Mac's browser. If it doesn't work, check all firewalls and routers.
You can see what proxy is transferring by running in Terminal: (Control+C stops it)

tail -f /var/log/ziproxy/access.log

Next step: Privoxy